Soccer 1: Você foi muito fominha hoje!

We hate to lose, especially when we’re ahead for a while and then lose it in the end, just hate that! And it doesn’t help when the referee totally ignores the obvious fouls.  And the next thing you know people are blaming each other too.  It just goes from bad to worse.  And that gremista guy was totally grabbing on to people’s shirts and pulling them down.  If any of this sounds familiar, welcome to the world of competitive sports.  We can all relate.  But, just like Heloísa, Alexandre, and Lucas, everyone’s got to buckle down and get ready for next week’s game too.  They’ve still got a chance, as long as Zeca doesn’t play goalie any more.  Bad luck on the field, but a good chance to hear a new Conversa Brasileira.

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